Age (and beauty) before just beauty

Things only people over 70 can do

We’ll have you know – we most certainly are not ageist. We are realistic.

And the fact of the matter is, younger people are simply not allowed to do the same things older people can do. Some privileges must be earned through life experience, after all.

Luckily – your Acquaint personal carer is also a realist. So even if you’re doing any of the following things, we know that we are never to do the same.

Only people over 70 can ignore the GPS

With more time on Earth comes a deeper understanding of one’s surroundings.

Even when travelling through a new area, people over 70 simply have a sixth sense of direction. They don’t make ‘wrong turns’. They merely follow an inner call – to wherever it may lead.

But when Acquaint’s behind the wheel, we would never kid ourselves to believe our immature intuition would direct us with the same fervour. So, we stick with Siri (or our aged 70+ passengers).

Only people over 70 can write in cursive

We hate to say it, but gone are the days when one’s penmanship may be a source of pride.

Because nowadays, people under 70 simply lack the dexterity required to properly formulate the written word with care. No thanks to phones and computers – one has to think.

At Acquaint, we’re aware of our own shortcomings. So we’ll leave all the handwritten birthday and thank you cards to our companions aged 70+.

Only people over 70 can give exact change

$12.85 composed completely of coinage is no tall order for a person over 70. And, they’re able to provide the change whilst maintaining an air of authenticity.

On the other hand, it’s hard to take a younger person performing the same act seriously.

So when Acquaint is over to help you organise your affairs, you won’t hear a peep about your bulging coin purse from us.

Only people over 70 can own a landline

While granted, it is a new vintage – a landline phone is vintage all the same.

And not just anyone can pull off vintage.

So in the same way as you would never wear daytime floral to a black tie event, you’d never catch us speaking into a phone with a cord. We know we haven’t earned the right.

Another thing only people over 70 can do? Be graced with our presence.

Our commitment to exceptional care is evident through our premium private home care services like in home support for elderly and companionship for social events.

In need of a helping hand for any of your shenanigans? Call us on 03 9267 9090 to give us the rundown.

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