Explore some articles we think you'll like
Your care, with flair - beyond basic home care services
How Acquaint goes beyond basic home care services
Taking our bows as the best home care service provider
Why Acquaint is the best private, at-home aged care service in the biz
While you were sleeping - a guide to overnight care
A guide to overnight care for Melbourne’s elderly
How we could help these silver screen stars at home
Would Logan Roy need someone to watch his back – literally and figuratively?
Bridge with the girls: a how-to
If you ask us, these are the must-haves for any host worth toasting.
Proper home service, down to the d’Affinois
What does it take to offer a service that’s as refined as you are?
Five tips for mental fitness
Here are five things that will help older people stay mentally fit.
DIY or professional home care support?
You can hire an independent in-home carer from a website or via a friend or work with a private home care company such as Acquaint. What’s the difference?
Comparing home care companies
Make sure you choose a home care company that offers the highest standard of care and aligns with your values. Want to make sure you are making the right decision?
Deciding on the right type of home care
At some point extra help may be needed. Here are some options.
New year, new you, new private care
It’s that time of the year when you look back and reminisce about all the good things about this year and think about your resolutions for the next.
Planning to stay at home
When we find ourselves in a bit of a health scare pickle, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.
Planning now for private home care will keep you in control.
A private personal carer's view
We asked one of our carers, Michele, to let us know what she loves about Acquaint.
Our vision and values in action
It’s our vision to be a well-known and highly respected private at home care provider that helps our clients remain at home and make the most of their later years.
Beat the heat at home and away
As a premium private home care company, Acquaint educates our carers on many things, including how to help our clients avoid heat-related problems.
An absolute stand out: a private home care client's view
In summary I would highly recommend Acquaint for people looking for quite simply the best private home care service in Melbourne.
Private home care that’s the talk of the town
We get you. Why the Acquaint team are leaders in premium, passionate services.