Planning to stay at home

When we find ourselves in a bit of a health scare pickle, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.
Planning now for private home care will keep you in control.

Why plan ahead?

Let’s be frank, no one wants to move into a nursing home. There is a big chance that those who live beyond the age of 65 will need at home aged care services at some point in their lives. Planning ahead increases your options for staying at home, helps keep you independent and maintain your quality of life.

Why private home care?

While there are options for government care the process is cumbersome and the benefits are often small. No amount of government care will keep you at home for long. Private long term home care is completely flexible and helps you stay independent at home.

Who needs private home care?

Anyone who has a chronic illness or disability that makes it hard for them to take care of their own health and everyday activities are among those who might require private home care.

Private home care fills in the gaps with personal carers and nurses often providing:

When should I start planning?

Now is the time to develop a plan you or your loved one would like to have in place in case the need for private in home care should arise.

A solid plan will include everything from where you’ll live, to how you’ll navigate finances, and which professionals you’ll call upon for support. Exploring and deciding upon this now will maintain a sense of control over the unknowns of tomorrow.

Acquaint is dedicated to helping you live life your way through a range of tailored services. From light housekeeping and gardening to live in care, we're here to provide premium and passionate private home care. Are you in need of an in home elder support carer that just gets it? Call us on 03 9267 9090.

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